Lands Department has recently updated the Practice Note "Tree Preservation ... in Private Projects", Issue No. 7/2007 to a later version Practice Note "Tree Preservation ... under Lease" ,Issue No. 2/2020 early this year. Since our arborists work closely with Lands Department on all sorts of tree issues, ISA(Hong Kong Chapter) would like to collect your opinions on the new Practice Note and refer them to the Lands Department at a later stage. This survey will be closed at 23:00 31/5/2020.
地政總署於2020年初發佈最新版本的作業備考” Tree Preservation and Removal Proposal for Building Development in Private Projects Compliance of Tree Preservation Clause under Lease”。國際樹木學會(香港分部)現邀請各位填寫以下有關該作業備考的問卷,並會將收集到的意見及問題於稍後時間轉交地政總署。此問卷調查截止日期為31/5/2020晚上11時。
ISA Hong Kong Chapter