本課程專為有意報考「國際樹木學會香港分部 - 電油鋸及修剪(地上)技師資歷(QCPT)評核」、擁有電油鋸實務操作經驗的從業員而設,讓學員為評核作好充份準備。
This course is specially designed for practitioners who intend to apply for the "ISA Hong Kong Chapter – Qualified Chainsaw and Pruning (Ground) Technician (QCPT) Assessment" and have practical experience in chainsaw operation, so that they can get the best possible preparation for the assessment.
QCPT is a qualification recognized by the government. The programme includes both written and practical assessments, aiming to assess and standardize the basic proficiency level required for on-ground chainsaw operation for the industry.
This course is a 1-day course, including theory and practical sessions. The theory session covers the units of the QCPT written assessment. The practical session allows trainees to master the format and content of the practical assessment. 課程費用 Course Fee
語言 Language 粵語 (中文教材,輔以英文辭彙) Cantonese (Chinese training materials, supplemented with English vocabularies)
證書 Certificate
Upon completion of the course with 80% attendance, trainee will be awarded a certification of completion.
ISA 持續進修學分 CEU : 6 CEUs
訓練課程學員之特別優惠 Special Discount for the Trainees
國際樹木學會香港分部 - 電油鋸及修剪(地上)技師(QCPT)資歷評核
ISA Hong Kong Chapter - Qualified Chainsaw and Pruning (Ground) Technician (QCPT) Assessment
# 學員可於報名時一併報名QCPT評核;或於一年內報考QCPT評核,可享評核報名優惠。Trainees can apply for QCPT assessment at the time of enrolling for the training course; or apply for the QCPT assessment within 1 year to enjoy the assessment application discount. * 團體/小組可自定課程 / 評核日期 * Organisation / Group can choose their own intended date of class / assessment for group.
Course Content 課程內容
認識操作鏈鋸個人防護裝備及鏈鋸 Understanding Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and chainsaw
鏈鋸操作、切割原理及步驟 Principles and procedures of chainsaw operation and cutting
鏈鋸安全操作 Chainsaw safety
基本修剪技術 Basic pruning techniques
Course Rundown 課程流程
最新QCPT 備試課程 Coming QCPT Preparatory Course 日期 Date: 7 Oct 2023 (Sat) 時間 Time: 09:00 - 17:30 地點 Venue: 大埔 Tai Po
截止報名日期 Application Deadline:29 Sep 2023 (Fri)
最新 QCPT 評核 Coming QCPT Assessment
筆試及操作試 Written and Practical Assessment
日期 Date: 15 Oct 2023 (Sun)
時間 Time: 09:00 開始 From 09:00
地點 Venue: 大埔 Tai Po
截止報名日期 Application Deadline:9 Oct 2023 (Mon)