Hincent Ng, ISA Certified Arborist and the President of ISA Hong Kong Chapter, Zerlina Wong, Senior Lecturer of the Education Unversity of Hong Kong, and Ricci Wong, Founder of HK Timberbank, co-curate the SciFest programme 'Sensory in the Urban Forest' in the Green Hub, a heritage space served as a center for sustainable living, 2pm of 2 Apr 2023 (Sunday). Let's share a good weekend evening with our tutors to explore our senses towards the Hong Kong's urban forest.
HKSciFest 香港科學節 2023:
Sensory in the Urban Forest 從森出發之森林五感遊蹤
Date 日期: 02.04.2023 (Sun 日)
Time 時間: 2:00pm – 4:30pm Target 對象: Participant aged 6-12 and the parent 6-12歲參加者及家長
Language 語言: Cantonese 粵語
Registration 報名: https://forms.gle/xpFJFJCcZZJmVVmX9
Gathering Point 集合地點:
The front door, Green Hub, 11 Wan Tau Kok Lane, Tai Po, Hong Kong 香港新界大埔運頭角里11號綠匯學苑大門
Rundown 活動流程:
- 2:00-3:00pm Outdoor Tree Tour 戶外樹木導賞
by Hincent Ng & Tony Tsang 吳宇軒及曾昭煌主講 - 3:00-4:00pm Tree x Orff Workshop 樹木x奧福工作坊
by Zerlina Wong 黃慧晶主講 - 4:00-4:30pm Woodcraft Sharing 樹木工藝分享
by Ricci Wong 黃卓健主講
Registration Fee 報名費用:
HK$150 - 1 pair of child and family member (i.e. 2 participants) 每對親子(即兩位參加者)
HK$250 - 2 pair of children and family members (i.e. 4 participants) 兩對親子(即四位參加者)
Payment 費用:
Due to limited quota, please pay after receipt of confirmation.
Enquiries 查詢:
Should you have further questions, please contact ISA Hong Kong Chapter Office by the following means.
Tel. 電話: +852 3757 8079
WhatsApp 手機短訊: +852 5596 8496
Email 電郵: info@isahongkong.org
Personal Information Collection Statement 個人資料收集聲明:
Once you registered our event, we consider you understand and accept the Personal Information Collection Statement of ISA Hong Kong Chapter. Details please refer to our website: