Dear all, Bookselling is back!! Apart from ISA store, we have included the Chinese books too!
Take the chance for getting the exclusive discounts! For the details, please click HERE! For ordering, please submit the form: ISAHK Book Selling 2021 Ordering Form Since there are too many books in the ISA store, we are unable to include all of them in the price list and ordering form. If you wish to order any books from ISA store which is not included in the price list, you may send us the name of the book(s) at the last part of the google form. We will check the stock and reply to you soon! Best Regards, Membership Committee ISA Hong Kong Chapter 親愛的讀者﹕ 賣書活動又回來了!!除了ISA商店之外,我們還提供了中文書籍! 把握機會獲得獨家折扣! 有關詳細信息,請點擊此處! 訂購時,請提交以下表格:2021 ISAHK書籍訂購表 由於ISA商店中的書籍過多,因此我們無法將所有書籍都包含在價目表和訂購表中。如果您想訂購的ISA商店書籍未包括在價格表中,則可以在Google表單的最後部分向我們發送書籍名稱。我們將檢查庫存並儘快回覆您! 會員委員會 國際樹木學會香港分部 ails 詳情 Ordering Form 書籍訂購表