ISA Hong Kong Chapter, co-presented with Ma Wan Park, invites Edmond Wong to guide a field trip analyzing the landscape model of and unfolding an unpublished mushroom house at the Ma Wan Park. By this tour, we will have a case study of the park to discuss how landscape design is integrated with tree care and management and to understand how tree waste is revalued in a mushroom ecology.
Member Event 會員活動:
Ma Wan Park Tour on Tree Care Operation and Management
Date 日期: 25.03.2023 (Sat 六) Time 時間: 10:00am – 12:30pm (2 CEU) Language 語言: Cantonese 粵語
Registration 報名: Deadline 截止日期: 10.03.2023 (Fri 五) 中午12:00nn
Gathering Point 集合地點: Heritage Centre, Ma Wan Park, Fong Yuen Road, Ma Wan, New Territories
Registration Fee 報名費用: HK$50 - ISAHK Professional Member 香港分部專業會員
HK$70 - Ordinary/Corporate/Student Member; 一般/企業/學生會員
HK$120 - Professional Member with 1 family member 專業會員及1位眷屬
HK$140 - Ordinary/Corporate/Student Member with 1 family member; 一般/企業/學生會員及1位眷屬
*25 quota for chapter's members 會員名額限25人; 5 quota for member's family 會員眷屬名額限5人
*Priority given to Chapter's Professional Member 分部專業會員優先報名
Speaker 講者:
Mr. Wong Kwok Leung, Edmond 黃國樑先生
Edmond Wong has been appointed as a Park Manager since 2006, working in a non-government park where thousands of trees have been retained, planted and transplanted under his management. In recent years, he was appointed as
Landscape & Arboriculture Manager, responsible for overseeing trees and plants in about 86 private housing estates. He is a competent and experienced arborist and tress risk assessor with relevant ISA and LANTRA qualifications, also a registered professional housing manager. So he is well-aware of the need to arrange proper tree works and soft landscape management in different residential and commercial projects.
黃國樑先生自2006年起擔任公園經理,為非政府公園項目種植、保留及移植逾千棵樹木。近年,他更獲委任為園景及園藝經理,為全港約86個私人屋苑管理樹木及植物。黃國樑先生是擁有豐富實踐經驗的樹藝師及樹木風險評估員,持有國際樹木學會及Lantra Awards頒授的專業資格,同時為註冊房屋經理,故此十分熟悉住宅和商業項目中關於樹木工作及園景管理的安排和需要。
CEU 持續進修學分:
Participants are required to register with duty officer to record the entry and leave time. For ISA Credential holders who meet at least 80% attendance rate, CEU will be granted.
*No need to record the ISA-CEU course code nor to submit an evaluation form in a physical event. 報名實體活動的參加者無須紀錄ISA-CEU課程編號或提交問卷調查。
Payment 費用:
Due to limited qouta, please wait for confirmation.
Enquiries 查詢:
Should you have further questions, please contact ISA Hong Kong Chapter Office following means.
Tel. 電話: +852 3757 8079
WhatsApp 手機短訊: +852 5596 8496
Email 電郵:
*During the day of event, please contact at the captioned mobile for a prompt reply. 為了及時回覆,活動當天請以手提聯絡。
Personal Information Collection Statement 個人資料收集聲明:
Once you registered our event, we consider you understand and accept the Personal Information Collection Statement of ISA Hong Kong Chapter. Details please refer to our website: