Arborist Day Camp 樹藝日營 2022
Arborist Day Camp 2022, launched by ISA Hong Kong Chapter, serves to provide an outdoor networking event for our industrial practitioners to share their opinions on practical techniques together. In the morning, there will be CEU seminar thematizing Stationary Rope System (SRS) while barbecue as well as practical workshops on tree climbing, chainsaw and woodcraft will be offered in the afternoon and evening. Please hold this opportunity to communicate with our Certified Arborists and enjoy a leisure Saturday evening in Kadoorie Centre of The University of Hong Kong on 23 July 2022.
Arborist Day Camp 樹藝日營 2022
Date 日期: 23.07.2022 (Sat 六)
Time 時間: 9:00am - 1:00pm &/ 2:00pm - 7:00pm
Venue 地點:
Kadoorie Centre of The University of Hong Kong
(Lam Kam Road, Shek Kong, Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong)
香港大學嘉道理中心 (香港新界元朗石崗林錦路)
Language 語言: Cantonese 粵語
Registration 報名: https://forms.gle/9sY6mdAod2sX2mzUA
Deadline 截止: 15.07.2022 (Fri 五) 中午12:00nn
Registration Fee 報名費用:
AM Section 上午環節 (9:00am - 1:00pm)
HK$400 for Non-Member 非會員;
HK$300 for ISAHK Ordinary Member 一般會員;
HK$250 for ISAHK Professional/Student Member 專業/學生會員
PM Section 下午環節 (1:00pm - 7:00pm)
HK$200 for Non-Member 非會員;
HK$150 for ISAHK Ordinary Member 一般會員;
HK$100 for ISAHK Professional/Student Member 專業/學生會員
AM & PM Section 上午及下午環節 (9:00am - 7:00pm)
HK$600 for Non-Member 非會員;
HK$450 for ISAHK Ordinary Member 一般會員;
HK$350 for ISAHK Professional/Student Member 專業/學生會員
Rundown 活動流程:
-------AM Section 上午環節-------
CEU Seminar 持續進修學分講座 (9:00am -1:00pm)
Topic 1:
Stationary Rope System (SRS) Technical Sharing 單繩攀樹技術分享 (2 CEU)
Speaker 講者: Jason Ma & Wind Tse
Time 時間: 9:00am - 11:00am
Topic 2:
Stationary Rope System (SRS) Aerial Tree Rescue 單繩攀樹樹上拯救 (2 CEU)
Speaker 講者: Gary Yau
Time 時間: 11:00am - 1:00pm
CEU 持續進修學分
For ISA Credential holders who meet at least 80% attendance rate in AM Section and submit the evaluation form, CEU will be granted.
Evaluation Form 問卷
All participants must complete the evaluation form in 3 days after the event. CEU will be granted to ISA Credential holders upon completion of AM Section and the after-event evaluation form.
-----------Lunch 午膳------------
Lunch Time 午膳時間: 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Light lunch will be offered to those who join both AM Section and PM Section.
-------PM Section 下午環節-------
Industry Networking Activities 行業交流活動 (2:00pm - 7:00pm)
Practical Workshop 實踐工作坊
Time 時間: 2:00pm - 4:00pm
1) HK Timberbank Woodcraft Practice 香港木庫木工實踐
2) Tree Climbing Trial on Stationary Rope System (SRS) 單繩攀樹器材試用
3) Chainsaw Practice and Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 鏈鋸及防具實踐
Barbecue 燒烤
Time: 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Important Notes 注意事項:
Payment Method 繳費方式
Please settle your payment by bank transfer to the Hang Seng Bank account: 789-314119-001 (ISA Hong Kong Chapter Ltd), and copy your transfer slip with the full name, mobile and email of registeree to info@isahongkong.org before the deadline. Please note that payment is not refundable and no change of registration accepted once the payment is settled.
Transportation 交通指引
Please refer to the website of Kadoorie Centre of The University of Hong Kong.
Enquiries 查詢
Should you have further questions, please contact ISA Hong Kong Chapter Office following means.
Tel. 電話: +852 3757 8079
WhatsApp 手機短訊: +852 5596 8496
Email 電郵: info@isahongkong.org
Personal Information Collection Statement 個人資料收集聲明
Once you registered our event, we consider you understand and accept the Personal Information Collection Statement of ISA Hong Kong Chapter. Details please refer to our website. 活動一經報名,我們將視作閣下接受國際樹木學會香港分部之個人資料收集聲明。詳情請參閱我們網頁。https://www.isahongkong.org/pics
Remark 備註
1. The venue forbits enterers to have any food or drink that contain alcohol. 場地規定進入人士不準擕帶含酒精之食物或飲品。
2. Smoking, gambling and pet is not allowed in the venue. 場地不准吸煙、賭博或携帶寵物。
3. Eating and drinking are not permitted inside Hall and Visitor Centre. 禮堂及訪客中心內一概不得飲食。
4. Indoor furniture, equipment and facilities should not be moved elsewhere nor used for outdoor purpose. 切勿搬動營舍內的設施及傢具,更嚴禁帶往戶外使用。
5. The venue does not provide drink water. It is recommended enterers to bring their drink water and water bottle. 場地並無食水供應,建議各位自備食水及水樽。
6. During the barbecue section, there will be beverage with carton package and few drink water offered. Please have your own water bottle if drink water is needed during barbecue section. 燒烤環節期間將會提供紙包飲品及少量食水。如參加者欲飲用燒烤環節提供的食水,請自備水樽。
7. During the practical workshops, there are some trials for participants free to join. Before joining the trials, participants must agree the disclaimer that participants should take full responsiblity to bear the risk in the trials, i.e. tree climbing and use of the gears. 實踐工作坊的體驗項目可自由參與,參加者參與前須同意免責聲明,攀樹及使用工具之風險將由參加者承擔。
8. Referring to the existing social distancing measures, please note that maximum number of persons per table is eight during the barbecue section and maximum number of persons per group during the activities is four. 根據現行社交距離措施,請留意燒烤環節時請勿超過八人一檯及活動時不可超過四人一組。
9. Please noted that the veune applies the certain requirements on “LeaveHomeSafe” and “Vaccine Pass”. Details please refer to Govt News, i.e. https://www.leavehomesafe.gov.hk/en/. 請留意該場地須執行「安心出行」及「疫苗通行證」相關指令。詳情請參閱政府新聞資訊,如 https://www.leavehomesafe.gov.hk/tc/
10. When Tropical Cyclone Signal No. 8 (or a higher number) or the Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted, related activities will be postphoned with the date and time to be determinded by ISA Hong Kong Chapter. 當香港天文台懸掛八號(或以上)熱帶氣旋警告信號或發出黑色暴雨警告時,受影響活動將會延期舉行,具體日期及時間由國際樹木學會香港分部決定。
